Culture CloseUp Solution

Culture CloseUp uses the Unobtrusive Corporate Culture Analysis Tool (UCCAT) - scientifically validated, and owned by psychologists Professor Alex Gillespie and Dr Tom Reader of the London School of Economics to provide assessment and insight to corporate culture.

It has been extensively researched and is based upon a series of academic studies on how data that is generated in naturally occurring and different contexts can be used to generate ‘unobtrusive indicators of culture’.

It is ‘unobtrusive’ in the sense that the textual data analysed is generated through the natural course of how people in organisations operate, for example people’s descriptions and experiences of corporate culture reported in employee feedback or data that captures key moments such as incident reports is analysed.

Moreover, by investigating data sources where people can speak unconstrained (e.g., online feedback), raise the ‘emerging’ issues that matter to them, both strengths, and areas for improvement.

UCCAT has been developed using best practice scientific standards to validate the input data, the measures, and the output interpretation.

Combining large scale digital data and psychological analysis provides insights otherwise unachievable, with targeted high impact solutions generated.

The well documented limitations and inherent biases of employee survey and interview-based approaches are bypassed. UCCAT provides organisations with the macro-level (i.e., culture trends) and micro-level (i.e., reports of experiences, events) insights that bring you close to the culture of your organisation.


All solutions created by our experts with you are grounded in science. Our experts draw from social, organisation, systemic and behavioural science applying what’s relevant to the specific insights and findings.

As an example, the science tells us the way a company’s values are established determines the best way to embed them, rather than taking a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Based on the insights Culture CloseUp reveal about your values, we draw on the relevant science and research to provide targeted ‘solution starters’ to obtaining the behavioural impact of your values.

This specificity means a much greater success rate is achieved compared with conventional action planning.

The closer you are to culture, the more foresight you have.