Culture Closeup

Above Board’s Culture CloseUp solution measures a company’s wholistic culture, directly addressing market demand for cultural insights and solutions with specificity.

Through working with Dr Alex Gillespie and Dr Tom Reader of the London School of Economics, drawing upon their expertise in data science, psychology, and their pioneering unobtrusive and reliable method of measuring culture, Culture CloseUp takes you to the front row of your Culture providing otherwise unseen insights into what your employees are thinking and talking about – and why.

These predictive insights emerge from Culture CloseUp’s distillation of millions of words and countless employee experiences found in a variety of your company’s naturally occurring internal and external data sources. This puts to work data you already have and bypasses the need for further surveying or other self-reporting systems exposed to cognitive bias or cleansing.

Now, with scientific certainty, you have complete coverage of the macro and micro manifestations of your unique culture. You can ‘smell smoke’ inside your organisation, zeroing in on the issues vital for averting emergent risk as well as revealing powerful levers of cultural competitive advantage.

4C Model

A Complete Coverage of Culture

To measure your holistic culture, we quantitatively and qualitatively analyse people’s descriptions and experiences of the culture, revealing micro and macro manifestations, patterns and outliers that can be acted on with scientific certainty.


Culture as science understands it

Aspects of culture that you need to measure in order to know whether the organisation is in good health, and resilient to threats and disruptions.


Problems that are obscured or hidden

Problems in the culture that people do not want to talk about or cannot resolve, which leads to them ‘venting’ in external places.




Emerging issues not yet asked about

Issues raised by people in the organisation about the culture that they are concerned about, but no one has anticipated or asked.


Culture as the organisation envision it

Checking that the values the organisation prioritises are manifesting as expected in the real workplace.


Possessing the measure of culture is the first step, however taking the right action is critical.

Culture Close Up contains a method that enables leaders to work with pre-constructed solutions and implementation scaffolds that save a lot of time and are scientifically sound - so they work!

  • Healthy (resilient) culture is key to strategy execution and operating excellence - Leaders need to know specifically (not generally) how to continue to build resilient, adaptable, self-correcting teams through their organisation.

  • The top leadership team is accountable for their organisation’s culture. We understand their time is at a premium and best spent at the pointy end - understanding the insights and responding successfully to them to advance business priorities.

  • Few top leadership team members are social scientists and should not be expected to create solutions to cultural insights from scratch - but must absolutely understand and own the actions authentically. The best cultural leaders are curious, conscientious, adaptive and capable of achieving progress over perfection.

Culture CloseUp’s Top leadership team solution workshop is set up to socialise solutions, select and customises the best fit ones, and leaves the team with the conviction that comes with knowing how to lead to results.

Acting on insights to  manage risk and upside